Project Lionheart

Project Lionheart

"Supporting Developing and Underprivileged Communities to Disciple their Children with Engaging, Child-Friendly Resources."

Warm greetings and welcome to the Project Lionheart webpage. Project Lionheart is the mission/outreach program of Lionheart’s Disciples and makes Workbooks available at highly discounted rates so production and transport costs are covered and sponsors can maximise their funds to touch the hearts of as many children as possible.


At the present time in the world, though there are some very difficult spots for the Gospel, there are many doors that are open. We are determined to take this program to the children of the world while the doors of favour are beginning to swing open. However you can be involved with us as we send these vital resources, we would be so grateful.

We ask that you would prayerfully consider how you could partner in this exciting program of opening God’s Word and revealing His heart to some of the most vulnerable children of the world.


For those who wish to sponsor children to receive Workbooks, we can make that happen in a couple of ways. If you are passionate about a campaign or a region you can make your sponsorship toward a specific location or partner with us on a monthly basis and we can allocate those sponsored workbooks to fields where the Workbooks will be most needed.

God bless you and thanks so much for partnering with Project Lionheart.